Name: Southwest Florida Regional Technology Partnership TECHmatch 2016
Date: 10/12/2016
Time: 5:30PM – 8:00PM
Florida Southwestern State College,
8099 College Pkwy Fort Myers, FL 33919
U Building – Multipurpose room U-102
Cost: There is no charge for the event. We anticipate great attendance ranging from 100-150 to break our previous year attendance.

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Southwest Florida Regional Technology Partnership presents…TECHmatch 2016

Connecting Business to their future IT and TECH workforce.

Reserve your spot today!

The Southwest Florida Regional Technology Partnership (SWFRTP) invites companies who employ IT and TECH professionals to present at TECHmatch 2016. Space is limited to 20 companies’ who will provide short presentations. We are reaching out to our SWFRTP sponsors with the first opportunity to sign up and be a part of this highly anticipated event. We will then open up to a broader audience after August 15th, so please RSVP to [email protected] by August 15th.

Why you should participate?

Be a part of our signature event by pitching your company, growth potential or current open positions. Presenting at TEChmatch 2016 will gain you regional visibility to IT and Tech professionals looking to be part of this growing sector of the SWFL economy. This year’s event will feature 20 regional companies who will present for 3-4 minutes. After all the companies present, area IT/Tech professionals and students will be able to interact with you face to face and discuss current and future employment opportunities. Please have technology leadership available for the attendees to meet and ask questions.


Date: Wednesday, October 12th 2016.
Location: Florida Southwestern State College, 8099 College Pkwy Fort Myers, FL 33919 – U Building – Multipurpose room U-102 .
Time: 5:30p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Cost: There is no charge for the event. We anticipate great attendance ranging from 100-150 to break our previous year attendance.

Brought to you by:

This event is sponsored by CareerSource Southwest Florida, a network of career development professionals who work directly with Florida employers to align their demand for skilled talent
with the needs of Floridians seeking employment and career development opportunities. The Partnership is excited to align with CareerSource to jump start the employer and tech student
connection. Additional sponsorships available.